SS 3 CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) HomeWAEC/NECO Exam Past QuestionsSS 3 CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) 0% 0 votes, 0 avg 5 SSCE/NECO/GCE (CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES) CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS SSCE (APP) These are Christian Religious Studies Past Questions. Questions will be picked at random from the question bank.You can use the NEXT button to move to the next question, use the PREV button to move to the previous question, the CLEAR button to clear any answer of your choice and you have the FINISH button to end the exam if you choose to.Any question not answered before the end of the exam time, will be marked as wrong and the exam will end by itself. so try to attempt all questions on time.Goodluck! 1 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Nebuchadnezzan punished those who refused to worship the golden image by throwing them into a furnace the rivers of Babylon the river Nile a lion’s den 2 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The prayer of Jesus at Gethsemane shows that He needed the support of His disciples He wanted to escape death He was in severe agony God had abandoned Him 3 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to Paul, God gives us victory over death through Angels the Holy Spirit Jesus Adam 4 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to Ezra, the return of the Jews from exile was prophesied by Isaiah Jeremiah Amos Ezekiel 5 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION In Luke’s account of the transfiguration Peter suggested the building of three booths Jesus spoke about His ascension a voice said “Behold the lamb of God” Moses, Elijah and Jesus discussed Jesus’ departure 6 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Joshua was a successful leader of his people because he was a brilliant soldier was chosen by Moses was a good spy trusted in God 7 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Paul’s letter to Philemon is about simplicity humility forgiveness truthfulness 8 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Joseph named his first son “Menasseh” because God made him forget his hardship a ruler of Israel king in Egypt fruitful in his father’s land 9 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION God’s ability to create by His spoken word depicts His affluence Omniscience Omnipotence Sovereignty 10 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION One remarkable thing about the feast of Pentecost for Christians was that it enabled people to speak in tongues marked the celebration of grain harvest attracted many foreigners into Israel brought home many Jewish nationals 11 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Darkness was not created during creation because God’s spirit was over the waters God wanted to have day and night the earth was full of water darkness was already in existence 12 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION God rejected Elis line of priesthood because they did not obey the prophets his children lust after women at worship his children were idolators Eli and his children took bribes 13 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The story of Daniel teaches, among other things that falsehood and slander are always covered believers can never be subdued by their enemies Jews are never subject to sin and crime a Jew can serve a heathen king faultlessly 14 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to the sermon on the Mount, God’s kingdom would be filled with those who were pure inspirit mournful hungry and thirsty meek 15 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The man who was forced to carry the cross of Jesus was Nichodemus Joseph of Arimathea Simon of Cyrene Simon the Zealot 16 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Paul’s letter to Philemon emphasizes love humility pure in spirit sincerity 17 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Justification by faith according to Paul is (a) the state of being a blessed child of God the state of being acquitted and accepted by God the state of being a blessed child of God acquitted by the One offended acquitted from moral sin and satanic oppression 18 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The sons of Samuel misused their privileged position by stealing from the offering not allowing the fats of animals to burn first to God sleeping with women who came to sacrifice bribery and false judgment 19 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Who among the following kings was raised by God against the Israelites for going after the Canaanite gods? Jabin Zalmunnal Aga Zebah 20 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Abraham believed God and it was reckoned to him as righteousness, James used this text to highlight his teaching on faith and works counseling effective prayer impartiality 21 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION How many groups of people mocked at Jesus on the cross according to St. Mark’s Gospel? two three five four 22 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to Joseph’s interpretation to pharaoh’s dreams: the seven empty ears blighted by the east wind represented seven years of famine harvest abundant farming 23 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Peter encouraged the church to humble themselves before God so that He would exalt them exonerate them not punish them not disown them 24 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION When David became king of the entire Israel, he moved the Capital from Jerusalem to Henron Hebron to Jerusalem Damascus to Jericho Jericho to Damascus 25 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION “My father, if it is possible, let this cup pass from me”, This cup signified suffering and death persecution cry of loneliness spiritual death 26 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION During Jesus’ trial, some people discovered that peter was Jesus’ follower because of his Galilean accent anger against the Jews Pharisaic attack on the maid 27 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION At the coming of the Lord, unbelievers will have a desolate land be condemned be hit by famine die in divine war 28 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION All the following are causes of unanswered prayers except diligence sin unfaithfulness greed 29 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Although David was regarded as a man after God’s heart, he acted badly before God when he imprisoned Nathan for condemning him remained at home while his troops were at the battle field committed sins of adultery and murder refused to slay Saul in the wilderness of Kish 30 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following illustrates the parable of the Mustard seed? the full grown mustard tree, attracting different birds to its branches the gradual development of one’s talent the small beginning of Christianity and its universal growth unprecedented germination of the grain 31 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The contest between Elija and the prophets of Baal took place at Mount Olive Camel Sinai Tabor 32 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to Jesus, the seventy disciples who returned from a successful missionary work should rejoice because the lame walked just at their command the sick were healed through their ministry their names were written in heaven the demons were subject to them 33 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following was not a river flowing from Garden of Eden? Kishon Gihon Tigris Euphrates 34 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION “How is that you a Jew ask a drink of me … “This statement was made by the Gentile woman Possessed woman woman of Galilee woman of Samaria 35 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The wife of Hosea was called Hagar Gomer Jael Rahab 36 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The action of Rehoboam that led to the division of the kingdom was challenging Jerobeam following his father’s tyranny worshipping other gods leading Israel to war 37 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION King Nebuchadnezzar mounted his golden image on/at the sea of Arabab the plain of Dura Susa of Babylon the plain of Jericho 38 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Jeremiah’s vision of a boiling pot represented pot of destruction invasion from the North Judah’s rejection Judah’s sins 39 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The love of God for humanity especially for sinners, is clearly manifested in the parable of the good Samaritan lot coin sower mustard seed 40 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Paul made a comparison between Adam and Jesus to show that Adam succumbed to temptation while Jesus did not both were subjected to temptation in the wilderness Adam cause man to sin while Jesus provides salvation both Adam and Jesus were human 41 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Daniel disobeyed king Darius by refusing to honour the Persian gods praying three times daily for thirty days refusing to be made president of the satraps celebrating Jewish festival in a foreign land 42 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The New life in Christ operates through humility wisdom the name of Jesus one body 43 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION “Two nations are in your womb, and two people born of you shall be divided”. The two people are Rsau and Ishmael Jacob and Benjamin Moses and Jacob Esau and Jacob 44 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Stephen was appointed as a deacon to preach to the gentile world cater for the poor and needy defend Christianity as a true religion perform sign & wonders of Jesus 45 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Judas Iscariot sealed up his betrayal pact with the chief priest and elders saying “whomsoever I shall hold, the same is he” dine with the same is he” look at, the same is he” kiss, the same is he” 46 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION According to Paul in Galatians, law ceased to be our custodian as soon as Christ adopted us as His children we stopped worshipping the elemental spirits we adopted the faith of Abraham It was made available to us 47 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION “Live as free men, yet without using your freedom as pretext for evil” Peter by this text was calling on Christians to fight for their freedom resist the devil always do what is right endure pain while suffering 48 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION To be a good citizen, peter advised believers to honour all men and love reading the scriptures love the brotherhood live a freemen obey their lawful masters 49 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Jesus demonstrated his compassion for humanity in all the following miracles except the healing of the paralytic feeding of the five thousand feeding of the four thousand healing of the venturion’s servant 50 / 50 Category: CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Jesus performed nature miracle to demonstrate all the following except concern faith fame power Your score isThe average score is 44% LinkedIn Facebook VKontakte 0% Restart quiz Send feedback Practice also: SS 3 CHEMISTRY PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) SS 3 BIOLOGY PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) SS 3 AGRIC SCIENCE PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) SS 3 DATA PROCESSING PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO) SS 3 COMPUTER STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (WAEC/NECO)