JS 3 BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (BECE) HomeJSS 3/BECE Exam Past QuestionsJS 3 BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (BECE) 0% BECE/JSCE (BUSINESS STUDIES) BECE BUSINESS STUDIES APP Questions will be picked at random from the question bank.You can use the NEXT button to move to the next question, use the PREV button to move to the previous question, the CLEAR button to clear any answer of your choice and you have the FINISH button to end the exam if you choose to.Any question not answered before the end of the exam time, will be marked as wrong and the exam will end by itself. so try to attempt all questions on time.Goodluck! 1 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Credit notes are usually printed in _________ red yellow green blue 2 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A business man minimum member of two and maximum of twenty is known as ___________ partnership joint stock business limited liability company sole proprietorship 3 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Production ends when the product gets to the _____ manager manufacturer wholesaler consumer 4 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following industries takes raw materials from the earth? manufacturer extractive distribution construction 5 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Office with demarcation is known as _________ co-ordinated enlarged office open office close office 6 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Another bane for producer is ___________ actors manufacturer ownership models 7 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION __________ is book of original entry profit and loss source document journal trading account 8 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The payment to a staff after all deductions is called net pay allowance basic pay gross pay 9 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is NOT a procedure for drawing up a single business plan? finances market research entrepreneur production 10 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The term profit means _________ selling price plus turnover selling price minus cost price cost price minus selling price cost price plus selling price 11 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Things bought to be sold are called _________ materials goods purchases sales 12 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Building, motor vehicle, plants are examples of __________ fixed assets long term liabilities liabilities current assets 13 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An amount paid for insuring property is known as _______ burglary compensation surrender premium 14 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The two major division of trade are _________ home and foreign commerce and industry import and export wholesale and retail 15 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of these is NOT true of a sole proprietorship? the owner can take decision alone the owner takes the profit alone easy to form the business continuity if the owner dies 16 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is NOT a source document? delivery note credit not debit note receipt 17 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Taxes collected by government on locally made products are known as ___________ personal income tax value added tax import duties excise duty 18 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An example of intangible assets is _______ good will motor vehicle stock building 19 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An example of current assets is _____________ capital stock gross profit creditors 20 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of these is NOT a function of an office? providing telephone services analyzing information collecting and receiving information processing information 21 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The following are the qualities of a clerical staff EXCEPT ___________ diligence carefulness arrogance courtesy 22 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The provision which a wise man makes against future occurrence of losses is called ________ saving insurance banking protection 23 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Trade between two countries is known as __________ boundary trade home trade local trade foreign trade 24 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION __________ is the difference between current assets and current liabilities circulating capital fixed capital revolving capital working capital 25 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION All are examples of retailers except kiosk owners shop owners hawker consumer 26 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An office machine used to store data and to bring out information is called __________ typewriter printer computer perforator 27 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is not a typewriter’s part? shift key paper knot platen knot camage 28 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The officer in charge of the petty cash book is called petty cashier accountant manager cashier 29 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION To protect the platen when typing always, use a _________ carbon paper backing sheet plain sheet tracing paper 30 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The insurance policy on goods transported on water is known as __________ compensation burglary third party marine 31 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION All these are methods of payment EXCEPT ______________ cash cheque transfer teller 32 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION All are types of bank account EXCEPT __________ saving account static account current account fixed deposit account 33 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following represents full stop in shorthand? = X ? > 34 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A computer is said to be reliable because it __________ unique strong accurate fast 35 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of these is a fixed asset? stock debtors building cash at bank 36 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Who keeps the petty cash book? accountant petty recorder secretary petty cashier 37 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is not a current asset? stock debtor prepayment creditor 38 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION If the expenses of selling and running a business exceed the gross profit, it will result in __________ selling profit purchasing profit net loss net profit 39 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A document which shows the full details of workers’ pay is called _________ pay roll stock records store records pay slip 40 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A cheque book is associated with _________ fixed deposit foreign bank saving account current account 41 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION What the business owes the others is called _________ liability assets goodwill loan 42 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION _________ allows buyers and seller to trade without having physical contacts communication e-commerce advertising transportation 43 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A person who types in an office is called stenographer typist typer clerk 44 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is NOT a type of insurance policy? marine subrogation life five 45 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Another name for cylinder is ___________ platen margine set shift lock shift key 46 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The trading account is prepared to determine __________ net sales net profit/loss gross profit/loss overall purchases 47 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An invoice contains the following information EXCEPT account number supplier’s invoice number date which the transaction is recorded name of the customer 48 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Another name for aids to trade is _________ tourism indirect services ancillary services direct services 49 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The type of cash book which have both bank and cash columns without discount is called two column cash book one column cash book petty cash book columnar cash book 50 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The redress of a customer can be any of the following EXCEPT __________ civil redress criminal redress personal redress administrative redress 51 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A place where money and other valuable things are kept is called comet ware house bank store 52 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The factor of production are ______ land, labour, capital and entrepreneur capital and entrepreneur capital and labour land and labour 53 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Oral communication can be made through ________ telegram business reply system telephone telex 54 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The act of passing information from one person to another is known as ___________ production advertising communication ware housing 55 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Moving goods from Nigeria to China is called ________ export trade gift trade import trade production 56 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The principal book of account is called ________ ledger journal cash book cheque 57 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The act of posing information from one person to another is known as __________ warehousing communication advertising transportation 58 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Banking insurance, advertising, communication are known as _______ aids to trade profit activities production activities sales activities 59 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION When typing, the sound of warning bell indicates _________ give a space watch out for the end of the paper be ready for a new line begin new word 60 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The person who co-ordinated other factors of production is called ______ manager supervisor entrepreneur director 61 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION All these except one are advantages of one man business legal entity easy to start little capital quick decision 62 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Carbon papers are used for give colour to the typing document producing only a copy producing copies with typing document making the document black 63 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The amount paid periodically by policy holder to an insurance company is termed ___________ proposal premium application agreement 64 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION A credit entry in the same account is called ________ single entry contra entry triple entry double entry 65 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which one of these is not a means of payment through the post office? telegraphic money order stamps money order cheque 66 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The correct sitting position when typing is to sit ____________ and relax yourself while typing upright with your feet flat on the floor. and type correctly and keep your eyes on the machine 67 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Any activities in which people engage themselves in order to earn a living is termed ___________ occupation interest promotion communication 68 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The reward for capital is _________ rent profit salaries interest 69 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION One of the following is NOT a duty of a receptionist? handling of telephone attending to friends handling of message pad receiving visitors 70 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is not office equipment? table and chairs television typewriter stapler 71 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The system of filing whereby the first figures are used is _________ arithmetical alphabetical chronological numerical 72 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION What is the document issued by the supplier to indicate settlement of debt? receipt invoice statement bill of exchange 73 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The movement of people and goods from one place to another is called __________ transportation communication banking advertising 74 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION What is the use of a duplicating machine? used for recording used in reproducing more of a typed document in thousands used for typing used for posting letters 75 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION The following are parts of typewriter EXCEPT __________ insurance shift key space bar carriage 76 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION How many consonant strokes do we have in Pitman shorthand? 8 12 24 20 77 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION People care for typewriter in order to _________ look beautiful when producing only a copy maintain it to the last make it look shinning type more papers 78 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Account used to record minor expenses is petty cash book journal trading profit and loss account ledger 79 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION An insurance policy that covers accidents at sea is known as _________ burglary insurance marine insurance fire insurance life assurance 80 / 80 Category: BECE BUSINESS STUDIES PAST QUESTION Which of the following is not a modern form of transportation system? aeroplane human porterage coasters ferries Your score is 0% Restart quiz Practice also: JS 3 AGRICULTURAL SCIENCE PAST QUESTIONS (BECE) JS 3 SOCIAL STUDIES PAST QUESTIONS (BECE) JS 3 PHYSICAL AND HEALTH EDUCATION (BECE) JS 3 MATHEMATICS PAST QUESTIONS (BECE) JS 3 HOME ECONOMICS PAST QUESTIONS (BECE)