CHEMISTRY POST UTME QUESTIONS & ANSWERS HomePOST UTME/POST JAMB Past Question & AnswersCHEMISTRY POST UTME QUESTIONS & ANSWERS Practice this CHEMISTRY POST UTME exam questions and answers Our experts have provided correct answers to these questions. 0% CHEMISTRY POST UTME (APP) CHEMISTRY POST UTME CHEMISTRY POST UTMEPractice with our Post UTME CBT for Universities, Polytechnics, College of Agriculture, College ofMedicine, College of Technology and College of Education and pass your examination. 1 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following substances increases in mass when heated in air? sodium chloride copper (ii)oxide magnessium ribon iodine crystals 2 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Catalytic hydrogenation of benzene produces an aromatic hydrogenation cyclohexane benzene margarine 3 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following gases can be collected by the method of downward delivery? oxygen hydrogen ammonia chlorine 4 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME What weight of sodium hydroxide is required to make 500cm3 of 0.2M solution? 40g 4g 20g 10g 5 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The greenhouse effect is a climatic condition associated with the presence of excess H2S NO NH3 CO2 6 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following is an acidic salt? CH3CO2Na Na2S NaHSO4 Na2SO4 7 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME At 25oC and 1atm, a gas occupies a volume of 1.50dm3. What volume will it occupy at 100 oC and 1atm? 60.0dm3 6.00dm3 18.80dm3 1.88dm3 8 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following properties increases down a group in the Periodic Table electron affinity atomic radius electronegativity ionization energy 9 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Pauli exclusion principle is related to quantum numbers of electrons electronegativity values of elements reversibility of equilibrium reactions collision theory of reactions rate 10 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The carbon atoms on ethane are SP3 hybridised SP hybridized Sp2 hybridised SP2d hybridized 11 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Organic Chemistry is the branch of Chemistry that deals with ------- and ------ Carbon & Hydrogen Carbon & Sulphur Carbon & Carbon Hydrogen & oxygen 12 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following is not a member of the homologous series of the paraffins? C3H8 C5H12 C15H32 C24H48 13 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Given that the molecular mass of iron is 56 and that of oxygen is 16, how many moles of iron (III) oxide will be contained in 1kg of the compound? 25moles 12.5moles 6.25moles 0.625moles 14 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME In the Periodic Table, the elements that lose electrons most readily belong to group IIIA group VIIA group IIA group IA 15 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The percentage of water of crystallization in ZnSO4. 7H2O is 44% 33% 55% 87% 16 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Equilibrium is sad to be attained in a reversible reaction when there is no further change in temperature the rate of forward and backward reactions are equal all the products have been formed all the reactants have been used up 17 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Lucas reagent is used to test for amines alkanoic acids alkanols alkanes 18 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME An element X forms the following compounds with chlorine: XCl4, XCl3, XCl2. This illustrate the law of multiple proportions law of definite proportions law of conservation of mass law of chemical proportions 19 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which quantum number divides shells into orbitals? magnetic spin Principal azimuthally 20 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Cotton is almost pure animal fibre cellulose starch protein 21 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME A mixture of sugar and sulphur can be separated by filtration, evaporation and dissolution in water evaporation, dissolution in water and filtration dissolution in water, evaporation and filtration dissolution in water, filtration and evaporation 22 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Esterification of propane 1, 2, 3-triol and unsaturated higher carboxylic acids will produce soap methyl propanoate fats alkanols 23 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following halogens is the most reactive? I2 F2 Cl2 Br2 24 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Palm wine turns sour with time because the CO2 formed during the fermentation process has a sour taste microbiological activity results in the production of organic acids within it. the sugar content is converted into alcohol it is commonly adulterated by the tappers and sellers 25 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The following are uses of sulphur except manufacture of dyes vulcanization of rubber coating of steel to prevent rusting manufacture of tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid 26 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The weakest attractive force that can be observed between two molecules is van der waals forces covalent coordinates ionic 27 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Alkanals can be differentiated from alkanones by reaction with Tollen’s reagent sodium hydrogen sulphite 2, 4 – dinitrophenylhydrazine hydrogen cyanide 28 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME 3.0g of a mixture of potassium carbonate and potassium chloride were dissolved in a 250cm3 standard flask.25cm3 of this solution required 40.00cm3 of 0.01M HCl for neutralization. What is the percentage by weight of k2CO3 in the mixture? (k = 39, O = 16, C = 12) 72 89 92 82 29 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Copper metal dissolves in concentrated trioxonitrate (v) acid with the resultant evolution of SO2 CO2 NO2 CO 30 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Organic molecules that have the suffix-ene are unsaturated hydrocarbons that have an ionic bond double bond a triple bond a single bond 31 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Element P, Q, R and S have 6, 11, 15 and 16 electrons respectively, therefore, Q will form an electrovalent bond with S P will form an ionic bond with R R will form an electrovalent bond with S Q will form a covalent bond with S 32 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following types of reactions takes place between C2H4 and the halogens? Addition Oxidation Substitution polymerization 33 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Calcium atom ionizes by gaining two proton sharing two electrons gaining two electrons losing two electrons 34 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME A gaseous mixture of 80.0g of oxygen and 56.0g of nitrogen has a total pressure of 1.8atm. The partial pressure of oxygen in the mixture is 1.0atm 1.2atm 0.8atm 1.4atm 35 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The molecular formula of a common organic laboratory anesthetic is CHF3 CHI3 CHCl3 CCl4 36 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME When a solution of silver (I) nitrate is saturated with hydrogen sulphide, a black precipitate forms which is H2S Ag2S PbS HNO3 37 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME 0.499g of CuSO4.XH2O when heated to constant weight gave a residue of 0.346g. What is the value of X? 3.0 4.0 2.0 5.0 38 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The movement of liquid molecules from the surface of the liquid to the gaseous phase above it is known as Zig Zag Motion Brownian motion liquefaction evaporation 39 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The oxidation number of chlorine is +1in ZnCl2 Cl2O7 NaClO KClO3 40 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The following uses radioactive isotopes except for dating elements sterilization of medical equipment tracing reaction paths determining equilibrium positions 41 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME A current of 4.0 amperes was passed through copper (II) tetraoxosulphate (IV) solution for one hour using copper electrodes. What was the mass of copper deposited? (Cu =64, IF = 96500C) 96 6.4g 4.8g 3.2g 42 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME Which of the following is needed to produce a slag during the extraction of iron in the blast furnace? sulphur limestone carbon cryolite 43 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The principal constituents of natural gas is ethane methane propane butane 44 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The metal extracted from cassiterite is copper tin calcium sodium 45 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The following are uses of sulphur except manufacture of dyes coating of steel to prevent rusting vulcanization of rubber manufacture of tetraoxosulphate (VI) acid 46 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The greenhouse effect is a climatic condition associated with the presence of excess CO2 H2S NH3 NO 47 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The IUPAC names for the compounds CH3COOH and CH2 = CH2 are respectively; acetic acid and ethene ethanoic acid and ethene acetic acid and ethane methanoic acid and ethylene 48 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME The major source of oxides of nitrogen is from the burning of fuel wood chlorofluorocarbons coal 49 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME 0.0075 mole of calcium trioxocarbonate (iv) is added to 0.015 mole of a solution of HCl. The volume of gas evolved at S.T.P is 100cm3 224cm3 112cm3 168cm3 50 / 50 Category: CHEMISTRY POST UTME An amphoteric oxide is an Oxide that behaves as a base as well as an acid amorphorous oxide of a non-metal Oxide that is insoluble in water amorphorous oxide of a metal Your score is 0% Restart quiz